Here we go..again.

One more time.

I have tried many and I do mean many other blogs before with little to no success of actually keeping up with it. Currently, I have given up Facebook for various reasons, but have found that maybe blogging is what I would really enjoy anyway. I am not much for typing since it does not take long for carpal tunnel or tendonitis to seep its way back into my life.

So if you see hand written posts I am just doing it my way.

I don't mean to sound selfish for writing about myself so if I do so too much I am sorry to offend what is true or who is true. I just can't seem to get over this Lord of mine who loves everyone so infinitely much. No He is not some mythical force that binds us all and no he is not the equivalent of all religious beliefs or a combination of all believers in what ever the human mind can create, but my Lord and yours is one of solid-rock-value. I cannot shape Him like an idea and every time I have in my life ,as many of those like me who believe in Him tend to do, I have found myself so unbelievably short of common sense.

After all, being that every human being is  created in His image it is folly or rather just humorously silly to think I made Him in mine. No I do not mean the image that all religions or people perceive, but the image that God actually is. I mean in the universal truth that is not contradicted by whatever you and I can just think up. But that we find ourselves contradicted by our recurrent ability to contradict unbiased divine truth. The weight of truth and its pure nature was not created by mankind, but freely given to us as a gift from the Lord almighty. Like gravity and friction were given to us so that we may actually survive a stroll across the street to the park. (Ever almost hit by a car while walking?)

Wouldn't this be nice

Well as usual I am short of time so I must bid you adieu

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