
                                                                                                                                      My Wife

I am the most blessed man on earth to be married to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. We have four beautiful children. Lucia, Joseph, Cecilia, and Peter. We are Pro-Life. We advocate the protection of the lives of the defenseless and innocent like the unborn baby and as well as those who are in dire need like the woman who carries the said child alone. Pro-Life is the protection of human life from conception to natural death. We as a family believe that traditional marriage should be upheld and defended and that the family is at war with sin as the likes of pornography, contraception, and abortion as well as other mortal sins that kill the soul.

We are broken, but in our brokenness we find strength, reconciliation, and healing in the constant loving activity of The One True God. Who when he deems necessary consoles the heart or tames our longing to long for Who created this longing.

Fireworks we saw with the kids!