I love my babies!

The 3½-Month Fetus [Click for next image]
Our baby is so beautiful and I can't wait to meet such a beautiful work of creation!

The Easy Part

Tonight I looked at baby Cici on my beautiful wife's lap and I said, " Humph, look at that she's just laying there and I had the difficult crying part of holding her while she wiggled and yelled to sleep. I did all the work."  My wife replied, " Did you give birth to this baby? "

Oooo.. oh I just was put in my place.

In Loving Memory

I remember so many times going with mom to Grandma & Grandpa's house.

I was brought to tears when I found out that the reason she wanted this picture for her funeral was because she wanted a picture of her while pregnant with one of her children. This was me.

Mom wanted to take pictures of us for the last time.